绿色创新发展中心 韩迪

China Unveils an Ambitious Plan to Curb Climate Change Emissions
“China’s move to create the world’s largest carbon market is yet another powerful sign that a global sustainability revolution is underway,” Al Gore, the former vice president and a prominent voice on the environment, said in a statement.
“中国建设全球最大碳市场的举动,是全球可持续性革命正在进行的又一强有力标志,”著名气候变化倡导者、前副总统阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)在一则声明中说道。
Zou Ji, the president of the China arm of the Energy Foundation, one of several Western nonprofit groups that advised the government on the new market, said that China was likely to issue many credits starting early next year in response to domestic political pressures, and then gradually tighten annual allocations to force up the price.
曾就该新市场向中国政府献策的西方非盈利组织之一能源基金会(The Energy Foundation)的北京办事处总裁邹骥表示,中国很可能会为了应对国内政治压力而在明年年初发放较多的配额,但随后会逐步缩小年度配额,以提高价格。


China aims to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions through trading scheme
Paula DiPerna, a special advisor to the Carbon Disclosure Project, who helped set up the Chinese pilot project, said: “The world should welcome the announcement of a national cap-and-trade in China, which will set new standards for global carbon pricing, address climate change head-on, and help integrate environmental finance with general financial best practices.”
曾参与中国碳市场试点的碳排放公开项目特别顾问Paula DiPerna说:“世界应该欢迎中国宣布全国碳市场启动,这将为全球碳定价树立新的标准,正面应对气候变化,并帮助整合环境融资与金融最佳实践。”

能源基金会(美国)北京办事处 (Energy Foundation China) 低碳转型项目主任刘爽表示:“设定排放水平和排放额度是对企业发出的一个极其重要的信号,同时也是一个重要的里程碑。中国碳市场的出现具有巨大的影响。”

China launches world’s biggest carbon-trading scheme in fight againstclimate change
“This is an incredibly ambitious exercise,” Nathaniel Keohane, a vice-president at the Environmental Defense Fund, a New York-based charity that helped China devise the scheme, said. “The scheme could enable China – the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter – to formulate even more ambitious climate goals in coming years, potentially reaching peak emissions before its stated target of 2030.”
美国环保协会副总裁Nathaniel Keohane表示:“这是一个令人难以置信的雄心行动。该计划可以使中国 ——世界上最大的温室气体排放国,在未来几年制定更加宏伟的气候目标,并有可能在2030年的既定目标之前碳排放达峰。”

The China Carbon Market Just Launched, And It’s The World’s Largest. Here’s How It Can Succeed.
Carbon markets can reduce carbon emissions and createan opportunity to transform entire economies so that they are cleaner and more efficient. China’s step, today, is agreat move in that direction.