Increasing the penetration of renewables requires a holistic approach, not just energy storage

Increasing the penetration of renewables requires a holistic approach, not just energy storage

Increasing the penetration of renewables requires a holistic approach, not just energy storage

Liu Jizhen, member of the China Academy of Engineering

We need to be clear that energy storage is not a panacea. Energy storage will have a limited role in the new energy system dominated by renewables. The real solution lies in building a coordinated power system that includes generators on the supply side, consumers on the demand side, and the grids.

Europe and the US have completed their energy revolution from coal to oil and gas, while China is still in a “coal-based energy era” – that is China’s national conditions. We must vigorously promote the clean transformation of fossil fuels, the scaling up of clean energy and the diversification of energy sources without ignoring our national conditions and current situation.

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