Green Economics

Mobilizing investment away from gray projects and toward green ones is the fundamental change China needs to see in its financial system. For this to happen, putting a price on carbon emissions will be key. At present, China has the largest carbon market and is leading the world on green finance. iGDP has delivered projects on China’s carbon markets since their origin as pilots. We organize international workshops on green finance, conduct analysis of China’s consignment auctioning and the implications of carbon border adjustment mechanisms, track infrastructure investments to identify opportunities for green finance, and bridge the gap between low-carbon policy and green finance to facilitate the creative deployment of renewable energy. 

Publications and Events

China Green Finance Pilots Anniversary Review



Green Finance

This report provides an overview of China’s green finance low-carbon pilots on the occasion of the first anniversary of the program. It summarizes the work plans, policies and actions in each pilot zone, and offers suggestions for refinement of the pilot program going forward.

Establishing an Environmental Tax


Working Paper

This paper explores the key considerations in establishing an environmental tax in China.  

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