

On September 5, 2024, during the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, the Collaborative Efforts for Africas Energy Transition Africa-China Civil Society Organizations Dialogue was held in Beijing. Hosted by the Institute for Global Decarbonization Progress (iGDP) and supported by the World Resources Institute (WRI), the event brought together over 40 representatives from international organizations, civil society organizations, universities, research institutions, enterprises, and media from China and Africa.


iGDP Strategy Director spoke on US-China climate cooperation to young Chinese and US students and guests gathered in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, for the “Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-US Youth Festival.” The event included activities focused on cultural exchange, such as Kuliang Tea talks, intangible cultural heritage exhibitions, and China-US documentary screenings aimed at fostering mutual understanding between the two countries.


iGDP Director Speaks at Summer Davos Forum 2024

On the morning of June 25, the 15th Annual Meeting of New Champions of the World Economic Forum (also known as the “Summer Davos Forum”) opened in Dalian, with the theme of “New Frontiers for Future Growth”. In a roundtable discussion entitled “Not Losing Momentum on the Energy Transition,” Hu Min discussed the importance of international cooperation, investment in clean energy, incentive policies, including the reduction of fossil energy subsidies, and projects to improve energy efficiency. 


iGDP Seminars – Climate Resilience · Electricity System

This summer has brought an alarming surge in extreme weather events, making the task of securing energy and electricity supply has become more arduous and complex. The pressure on the electricity system continues to rise, presenting a series of new challenges. In this context, the iGDP Seminars invited four international experts to share insights on electricity system development.

Event PPTs:

Renewable Energy Market Integration – Perspective from German

The Path to A Dual Carbon Strategy Guangdong’s Energy Transition Policy Interpretation and Technology Needs

The Future Contribution of EVs to Demand Flexibility: TOU, Smart Charging and V2G


iGDP Analyst Speaks at The Asia Solar Energy for Climate Change Conference

The Asia Solar Energy for Climate Change Conference (ASECCC) was held in Hong Kong, on August 23-25. iGDP Analyst Liu Xueye was invited to speak at the session  “Comparison of Asian Cities’ Progress Towards Carbon Neutrality through Renewable Energy and Green Finance.” ASECCC strives to unite influential figures from government, the private sector, and civil society across the Asia Pacific region. The conference aimed to foster communication on solar energy initiatives in climate mitigation and adaptation. It focused on policy implementation, cross border collaboration, advanced technology, climate finance, and best practices to promote climate justice.


iGDP Analyst Speaks at 3rd International Forum on Low-Carbon Cities

The 3rd International Forum on Low-Carbon Cities was held in Incheon, South Korea on August 29, 2023. Hosted by the ESCAP East and Northeast Asia Office and Incheon Metropolitan City, iGDP co-organized the event with The Incheon Institute, Climate Change Center, ICLEI, Green Climate Fund, CITYNET, and the Local Government Association for Climate and Energy Transition. The forum was dedicated to promoting partnerships for low-carbon, sustainable, and resilient cities, providing a platform for cities to launch initiatives promoting carbon neutrality, improve information sharing, and strengthen partnerships and peer learning in city networks.


iGDP Analyst Speaks at The Asia Solar Energy for Climate Change Conference

The Asia Solar Energy for Climate Change Conference (ASECCC) was held in Hong Kong, on August 23-25. iGDP Analyst Liu Xueye was invited to speak at the session  “Comparison of Asian Cities’ Progress Towards Carbon Neutrality through Renewable Energy and Green Finance.” ASECCC strives to unite influential figures from government, the private sector, and civil society across the Asia Pacific region. The conference aimed to foster communication on solar energy initiatives in climate mitigation and adaptation. It focused on policy implementation, cross border collaboration, advanced technology, climate finance, and best practices to promote climate justice.


IEA's 8th Global Energy Efficiency Conference

iGDP Principal Hu Min spoke at the IEA’s 8th Global Energy Efficiency Conference. 

Click here read about the event.


2023 Green Development Think Tank Partnership Annual Conference

The 2023 Green Development Think Tank Annual Conference was held on March 24-25 in Guangzhou. With the theme of “Local Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutralization: Deepening and Breaking Through,” the conference brought together leading energy, environment and climate experts from around China to discuss China’s long-term decarbonization goals. Participants included Li Gao, Director of the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Hong Jianwu, Director of the Climate and Exchange Division of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, Zhou Dadi, member of the National Climate Change Expert Committee, Zhang Xiliang, Director of the Institute for Energy, Environment and Economics at Tsinghua University, Zou Ji, CEO of the Energy Foundation and President of China, Ma Aimin, Deputy Director of the National Center for Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation, and forty other experts.


EPS Technical Assistance Group Kick-off Meeting

The technical assistance group kick-off meeting for the Energy Policy Simulator (EPS) took place on Thursday 16th. The meeting was attended by speakers from Energy Innovation, Climate Imperative, NCSC, WRI and several Chinese Provincial Scientific Academies and Institutes.


China-U.S. climate policy and the prospects for climate cooperation

At an event organized by IE University in Spain, iGDP Principal and Co-Founder Hu Min was invited to a dialogue with former U.S. Deputy Foreign Minister Juan Verde on China-U.S. climate and energy policy progress and the prospects for climate cooperation. Hu Min gave an overview China’s dual-carbon policy strategy, the status of China’s clean energy development, and the challenges and opportunities of global efforts to decarbonize in the context of energy security. Juan Verde discussed global green economic transformation and the significance of the US Inflation Reduction Act. Political and business representatives participating in the meeting commented that Europe’s quest for energy security and the realization of green recovery goals are inseparable from the climate and economic policies of China and the United States, with good communication being the premise of healthy cooperation and competition.


Just Transition in Coal Regions

The forum included participants from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Center of Shanxi Science City Energy and Environment Innovation Institute and the Wuppertal Institute of Germany, alongside iGDP Principal and Co-founder Hu Min. Presentation slides from the event can be found at the link below.


iGDP Analyst Speaks at 2nd International Forum on Low Carbon Cities

The 2nd International Forum on Low Carbon Cities was held in Incheon, South Korea from December 6 – 8 2022 with both online and offline components. Hosted by the ESCAP East and Northeast Asia Office and Incheon Metropolitan City, iGDP co-organized the event with Incheon Climate and Environment Research Center, ICLEI, and Green Climate Fund (GCF). The forum was dedicated to promoting partnerships for low-carbon, sustainable, and resilient cities, providing a platform for cities to launch initiatives promoting carbon neutrality, improve information sharing, and strengthen partnerships and peer learning among city networks.


China's Path to a Carbon Neutral Agri-food System: iGDP in discussion with the Wilson Center

iGDP Principals Kevin Mo and Hu Min and iGDP Senior Analyst Meian Chen participated in a webinar hosted by the Wilson Center’s Jennifer Turner. The discussion was on the topic of how China’s Agri-food system can meet the challenges of decarbonization in a way which benefits everyone the most. China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of food so the topic is of great importance to the future of decarbonization in the food system.


Beijing Energy Network & iGDP:
Just Transition of Coal Regions in China

iGDP Analyst Li Xindi gave a well attended presentation on the subject of Just Transition in China’s coal industry. Delivered at the 参 Space in Chaoyang, the talk drew a crowd from a broad sweep of the Green Finance and Energy Transition community. Different approaches to this difficult subject from a range of countries were discussed, and then several Chinese case studies were introduced. We hope that this talk will give everybody the chance to reflect on the need for a just transition in those areas where coal and other CO2 intensive industries are scaled down in the future.


Driving down methane emissions from fossil fuel operations in China

(Chinese language event)


Zero Carbon Future and Personal Behavior Change" Seminar Series - Innovative Practices to Promote Low Carbon Personal Consumption
(Chinese language event)


"A Zero Carbon Future and Personal Behavior Change" Seminar Series - Potential Innovative Cases for Promoting Green Consumption in the Building Sector

(Chinese Language Event)


"A Zero Carbon Future and Personal Behavior Change" Seminar Series - Cases of Innovation for Personal Behavior Change in the Clothing Sector

(Chinese Language Event)


The 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


Workshop on Capacity Building Project for Ecological Management and Plastic Waste Pollution Control in China's Seas


Webinar on 'Good Practices in Municipal Waste Treatment from the Perspective of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction'


'Zero Carbon Future and Personal Behavior Change' Seminar Series - Models of Innovation in Personal Behavior Change in the Transport and Tourism Sectors


"Zero Carbon Future and Personal Behavior Change" Seminar Series - Waste Separation and Personal Behavior Change

April 22, 2021

Seminar Series on 'Zero Carbon Future and Individual Behavior Change'

iGDP plans to host a series of seminars on ‘Zero Carbon Future and Personal Behavior Change’, presenting on research policies and advocacy practices from China and abroad on promoting personal green and low-carbon behavior change, with the aim to promote the exchange and sharing between participating researchers and policymakers. On April 22, 2021, the first seminar was held on the occasion of “Earth Day”, with the theme of ‘Potential Research and Practice Sharing on Food Emission Reduction’.

December 11, 2020

Expert Seminar on Carbon Market System Construction

After China put forward the goal of carbon neutrality on September 22, the start of the national carbon market has been accelerated, and relevant policies, including management measures and quota allocation methods, have been introduced. Based on these latest developments, this conference conducted an in-depth discussion on the top-level design and subsequent impact of China’s carbon market. 

December 7, 2020

"Women in Green Energy" Initiative Launched in Beijing

The “Women in Green Energy” initiative initiated by the Sino-German Energy Partnership and hosted by GIZ and iGDP, was launched in Beijing. The initiative focuses on women’s perspective and strength in the green energy transformation and explores the current situation of women’s employment in the energy field and the problems and challenges they face. 


Click here to learn more about the event and project.

October 30, 2020

The 2020 Green Development Think Tank Partnership annual conference was held on October 30 in Shanghai. Jointly hosted by the Energy System Engineering Committee of China Energy Research Society, Fudan University’s Energy Economics and Strategy Research Center, and iGDP, the event brought together nearly 150 guests from universities, research centers and academia throughout China, as well as nearly 10,000 online viewers. The conference came on the day after the conclusion of the fifth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and a few weeks after China pledged to reach a carbon peak before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. Participants took this opportunity to discuss carbon targets in the upcoming 14th Five-year Plan, how to achieve deep emission reductions in the different regions of China, as well as the policy means to promote China’s transition onto a green and low-carbon economic development trajectory. 


October 08, 2020

On October 6th 2020, high-ranking experts, including iGDP Principal Hu Min, discussed the potential of Chinese-EU partnerships for better climate action at an event organized by the Federal Foreign Office and the German Energy Agency.




绿色创新发展中心作为2019年成立的“绿色节能联合平台”的秘书处,牵头发起组织一场以“绿色制冷新时尚 节能减排我最IN”为主题的传播活动,希望在2020年节能宣传周及暑期制冷产品消费的高峰时间段,基于平台机构的跨力量,整合线上线下媒体和社区资源,立足北京辐射全国,推动高校绿色制冷知识的科普工作。活动期间,共举办了4场线上讲座和2场线下活动,累计超过4000人参与其中。











iGDP受邀参加2019 Greenbuild 中国绿色建筑峰会








April 25, 2019

iGDP co-hosted this workshop to identify the data sources needed for environmental risk analysis in existing policy frameworks, strengthen the interconnection between climate change policies and qualitative environmental risk analysis, and enhance international exchange on quantitative environmental and climate risks analysis in the BRI.

April 12, 2019

On April 12, iGDP analysts held a workshop with study partners from Japan’s Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Korea Environment Institute to review the draft final report, discuss joint recommendations, and plan out dissemination of the study’s findings. The study aims to provide an overview of alternative national approaches to low-carbon city development, identify good practices for information sharing, and promote regional cooperation.



比尔·马格文先生(Mr. Bill Magavern),加州清洁空气联盟政策总监,与大家分享了交通电气化、物流货运系统清洁、可再生能源标准和超级污染物治理等话题。




January 24, 2019

This workshop, held in partnership with the North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation, brought together experts from China, Japan, and Korea to share insights on low-carbon city policy in Northeast Asia and foster regional cooperation. 

January 19, 2019

In Beijing, on January 19th iGDP hosted the fifth annual conference of China’s Green and Low Carbon Development Think Tank Partnership, which has emerged as one of China’s leading networks of green and low-carbon policy experts. With over one hundred participants from research institutes throughout China, the theme of this year’s conference was “Green Development in China Toward 2030”.   









Thomas Hale,牛津大学副教授,与大家分享了当地政府、私营部门和民间社会如何帮助加强中国和世界各地的应对气候变化的行动。





[好思汇] China LOGIC在线工具发布





June 11, 2018

What is the progress that China’s low carbon pilot cities are making? What are some of the best policy measures available to reduce their carbon emissions? What industries should city officials focus on to get the greatest return on their policy investments? What are other cities in Northeast Asia doing to lower their emissions?

To help answer these questions, on June 11th, innovative Green Development Program (iGDP), together with the North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC), and the Wuhan Energy Conservation Supervision Center, hosted Green Transformation in Wuhan – International Consultation Workshop for Low-carbon City Roadmaps. 














[好思汇] COP23回顾及未来气候行动展望







绿色创新发展中心(iGDP)联合北京能源网络(BEN)邀请曾担任过加州经济科技促进咨询委员会委员, 现任美国能源创新 (Energy Innovation) 研究顾问的碳市场专家Chris Busch博士分享了美国加州碳市场的实践和展望。



绿色创新发展中心运营总监汪燕辉女士受邀在 “高端对话:如何传播中国绿色声音” 环节分享了绿色创新发展中心在气候传播上的实践经验。



英国伦敦大学学院教授迈克尔·格拉布(Michael Grubb)先生做客绿色创新发展中心好思汇,十余位来自国内外研究机构的小伙伴聆听了教授一堂长达两个小时的“私教课”,每个人都就自己关心的问题与教授做了深度交流。














