To achieve the aims of the Paris Agreement and China’s goals of carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, the country’s regions and cities need to act fast. Actions at these subnational levels need to focus on middle- and- long term zero-emission target setting, plan development, and policy measures. In our Zero-Emission Planning Program, we help regions and cities achieve a climate safe and prosperous future by providing zero-emission planning and other consultancy services. We apply a suite of climate models, strategic frameworks and roadmaps to assist in the development of middle- and-long term carbon reduction, energy transition, and economic transformation plans in every carbon-emitting sector at the regional and city levels.
Featured Projects
Peak Planning Guide Policy Brief
Coordinated Control of Air Quality and Climate Change Analysis
Qingdao and Wuhan Climate Action Planning
Harmonizing Ecology and Economy – Developing Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP)
LOGIC: Low-carbon & Green Index for Cities
An Integrated Strategy to Assist China’s Cities in Achieving an Early Carbon Emissions Peak